Positive Relationships

With this service we support people in their adventure of establishing healthy interpersonal relationships, letting go of harmful ones and learning how not to suffer from this area of life, but rather enjoying and making it a source of positive feelings. Being socially active and establishing authentic connections with other people, as friendships or romantic relationships, is one of the main areas of self-worth in our life and we offer this support as we consider essential to guide people towards a place of no fear to genuinely connect with others. Because important relationships mean attachments, people can suffer significantly when things are not going well, it can affect their general wellbeing and daily functioning as well as their mood and behavior. Positive Relationships is about learning how to connect with others from a very centered place, where you are in a positive relationship with yourself first and from there you feel the freedom to connect and embrace any other relationship in your life journey.

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What Are Positive Relationships?

We often get this question in our consultations: “How do I know if I am in a good relationship?”,” How do I know I am with the right friend or life partner?”
We always explain: “The answer can only be in your feelings as you must live life and connect to others from the core of your being, your emotional needs and authenticity”. You must feel that you are yourself in the presence of others and when interacting with them at any level. We all take roles in life and in the society, but we are genuinely connecting with the people in our life when we are acting our life roles from a place of freedom to be ourselves. Past experiences with people can impact hugely our ability to connect; if we got hurt in the past by others, we will for sure establish some rules in our interpersonal life that are meant to keep us safe, but most of the times these rules become an obstacle in our freedom to connect with others. Positive relationships are all those relations and interactions with others, in any context of life (work, friendships, romantic relationships, family, community, etc.) that allow us to be ourselves, free from past traumas and fears, centered in our own emotional needs and being able to set healthy boundaries, away from personal insecurities and emotional dependence of any kind. Interpersonal relationships and social life should be another source of positive feelings.

How Does Positive Relationships Work?

We work collaboratively with people in order to understand what patterns of interaction they have with others and what are their interpretations as well as system of believes with regards to this social aspect of life. We analyze and work on any traumas from their past, taking them to a place of being in the present. We learn assertive communication and setting boundaries, but more important than any of these aspects of work is the changes and improvements in the relationship with themselves which, will then, be reflected towards outside as well.

Who Is the Positive Relationships Service For?

It is a service for ALL as we have a basic human need to connect with others, but mostly it will be very helpful for those people that are very easily hurt or sensitive to what others say or do and find that interpersonal relationships are a source of negative feelings in their life.
It is for you if also you notice that you tend to attract people in your life that do not treat you well or offer you in the end a negative emotional experience.
It is for you if you become a completely different person in the interaction with others, a person that you don’t like to be.
It is for you if others are a source of stress and anxiety in your life.
It is for you if you feel stuck in a relationship that feels toxic and harmful.
It is for you if you want to improve your social life and social skills.

The right expert for every case

At Potentia Life, we provide access to a diverse team of experts to ensure that each case receives the specialized care it deserves. We believe that everyone deserves individualized support on their journey to optimal health and well-being. Discover the right expert for your unique needs today.

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